Federation of Ontario Cottagers' Association is a not-for-profit organization that serves and represents lake associations and waterfront communities through education, communication and government advocacy. FOCA supports environmental stewardship and publications, sponsors environmental programs, as well as provides education, training, and relevant tools. 

2023 FOCA AGM and Spring Seminar

Land Use Planning in a Bill 23 World: What it means for Cottage Country

Practice Tips and Resources to Create a Climate-Ready Property

FireSmart Principals for you Waterfront Community

Tick Talk: Tracking the spread of ticks that carry Lyme disease in Ontario

Biodiversity and Resiliency: a Call to Action for Nature


2022 FOCA Fall Seminar

Preventing a Grass Carp Invasion

Accelerating your Municipal Partnerships

FOCA Report Release: the Economic impact of Waterfront Property Owners in Ontario

Revised FOCA website


2022 FOCA AGM and Spring Seminar

Boating and Wake Safety

Great Lakes DataStream

Voter Enumeration for 2022 & MPAC Property Assessment Update

LDD (Gypsy Moth) - The Ontario Perspective

Emerging Issues: Floating Container Homes


2021 FOCA Fall Seminar

What Rural Residents Should Be Considering Before the 2022 Municipal Elections

Imagining a Good Future for Our Lakes, Despite Climate Change

Boating Safety and Etiquette

Rural Roads


2021 FOCA AGM and Spring Seminar

Lake Partnership program 2021: Get ready, set, go! It is back up and running. 

Green Shovels Collaborative: Phragmites Control

Association Best Practices: Volunteer Considerations for 2021



2020 FOCA Fall Seminar

Pivoting Association Engagement in 2020

Rural and Northern Broadband

Ontario Energy Boar's Elimination of the Seasonal Rate Class for Hydro One customers

Boating Concerns and Education from OPP



2020 FOCA Spring and Summer Seminar

Keeping the Focus on Ontario's Waterfront: Citizen Science and Lake Partner Program
Invasive Species
Over-salting our Lakes: Why we need to reduce road salt use.